2012年7月2日 星期一

Selling on Craigslist - Words to Avoid

Craigslist.org is an online classified website where you can make money selling just about anything under the sun. However, lots of items don't sell that should have. In most cases, the seller was asking too much money or they didn't include a picture, but sometimes it has to do the words or phrases used. So, what should you avoid?

Avoid: Custom

Even if your dining room table really is custom (and this means it didn't come from Wal-Mart or Ikea), no one cares. To all Craigslist buyers, it is just another dining room table. You might have paid $1,000 more, but it is no different than the other hundred tables listed.

Avoid: Modern

Modern is a phrase we all view differently. Seriously, old people may consider something from the 80s as modern. College students, well they tend to think modern is something released two months ago. Basically, what is truly modern is up for debate, so just avoid it.

Avoid: Unique

Many of us automatically consider unique to be out of the ordinary or ugly. Unique gets you know here, so don't use the phrase. Moreover, don't try replacing the word custom with unique because it doesn't work. Being unique doesn't add value; it just decreases the size of your buying pool.

Avoid: Fabulous, Spectacular, and Marvelous

I can guarantee you that whatever you are selling on Craigslist is none of things. A lightening storm is spectacular, not your collection of old movies. Interested buyers think three different things when they hear these phrases. One, you are on drugs. Two, you are out of your mind. Three, you are trying to justify overcharging them.

Avoid: Cool

Cool is a phrase is that way too overused. Just like modern, it has a lot of different interpretations. You may think your Blu-Ray DVD of Spiderman is "cool," but everyone else could care less. Better yet, never (under any circumstances) try and spell cool kewl. This is a million times worse. You better show a picture of what you are selling and let shoppers decide for themselves if it is cool.

These are just a few of the phrases you should avoid using on Craigslist. Basically, you want to use simple words to describe the item you are selling. Most importantly, upload a picture. If you have a sellable item, the picture will speak for itself.

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